(COMMON SENSE as in collective understanding and wisdom of people participating in the system.)
(INDIVIDUAL as in each person participating in the system.)
6.76% | Common sense |
0.39% | Royal mail |
0.18% | Tesco |
0.16% | Individual |
0.15% | Knowle west media centre |
0.15% | Jobcentre plus |
0.11% | Bristol city council |
0.10% | United kingdom (uk) police |
0.09% | Department for work and pensions |
0.09% | Hm revenue and customs |
0.09% | Staples |
0.08% | Post office |
0.07% | Bristol folk house |
0.07% | Wh smith |
0.06% | Boots |
0.06% | Transport for london |
0.06% | Pret a manger |
0.06% | Chew valley trees |
0.06% | Ebay |
0.05% | Uk certificates |
0.05% | Neal's yard remedies |
0.05% | Sainsbury' s |
0.05% | Argos |
0.05% | Trade-it |
0.04% | O2 |
0.04% | Marks and spencer |
0.04% | Co-operative group |
0.04% | Driver and vehicle licensing agency (dvla) |
0.04% | National health service |
0.04% | Watershed |
0.04% | Mail boxes etc |
0.04% | National blood service |
0.03% | Irational.org |
0.03% | Debenhams |
0.03% | Gardening express |
0.03% | The united kingdom (uk) home office |
0.03% | National rail |
0.03% | Big issue |
0.03% | Freecycle |
0.03% | Trident military |
0.03% | Home office |
0.03% | Sutton's seeds |
0.03% | Tv licensing |
0.03% | The garden centre group |
0.03% | British army |
0.03% | The electoral commission |
0.03% | Waterstone's |
0.03% | Orange |
0.03% | Andy's gas |
0.03% | Easyjet |
0.03% | General register office |
0.03% | Byker bridge |
0.03% | Tyneside cyrenians |
0.02% | Helix arts |
0.02% | Veals hunting and fishing |
0.02% | Student finance direct |
0.02% | British organ donor society |
0.02% | Arnolfini |
0.02% | Middle combe nursery |
0.02% | Miss selfridge |
0.02% | Evans |
0.02% | Department for culture, media and sport |
0.02% | Wallis fashion |
0.02% | The european parliament |
0.02% | Topman |
0.02% | Uk sport |
0.02% | Salvation army |
0.02% | United kingdom (uk) parliament |
0.02% | Burton |
0.02% | National assembly for wales |
0.02% | Royal air force |
0.02% | Dorothy perkins |
0.02% | 3 mobile |
0.02% | British navy |
0.02% | National lottery |
0.02% | British oxygen company (boc) |
0.02% | Virgin media |
0.02% | Samuel david |
0.02% | British telecom |
0.02% | T-mobile |
0.02% | The co-operative group |
0.02% | Texaco |
0.02% | The independent |
0.02% | National express |
0.02% | Driver and vehicle licensing agency |
0.02% | Park hostel |
0.02% | Bristol computer and cartridge |
0.02% | St georges |
0.02% | Pets at home |
0.02% | Riseup |
0.02% | Daily mirror |
0.02% | The morning star |
0.02% | Daily telegraph |
0.02% | The guardian |
0.02% | Daily mail |
0.02% | National health service (nhs) |
0.02% | The sun |
0.02% | Barclaycard |
0.02% | Voipfone |
0.02% | Real age |
0.02% | The daily star |
0.02% | Financial times |
0.02% | Money go round bristol inner city credit union |
0.02% | Daily express |
0.02% | Colston hall |
0.01% | Amazon book shop |
0.01% | Outfit fashion |
0.01% | Institue of contemporary arts |
0.01% | British gas |
0.01% | Photo-me |
0.01% | The ministry of justice |
0.01% | The no2id campaign |
0.01% | Western union |
0.01% | Bristol zoo gardens |
0.01% | Equifax |
0.01% | First group |
0.01% | Bristol library service |
0.01% | Vectone mobile |
0.01% | Tate |
0.01% | Hmv |
0.01% | Cambridge water |
0.01% | Paypal |
0.01% | freeola |
0.01% | Call credit |
0.01% | Ikea |
0.01% | Blackwell |
0.01% | B&q |
0.01% | Ministry of defence |
0.01% | Wessex water |
0.01% | British airports authority (baa) |
0.01% | Hush mail |
0.01% | Gender recognition panel |
0.01% | Amnesty international |
0.01% | Virgin mobile |
0.01% | French embassy |
0.01% | Scottish power |
0.01% | Cash plus |
0.01% | Department of health |
0.01% | Czech republic consulate |
0.01% | Hide my ass |
0.01% | Flint knapping |
0.01% | Green energy uk |
0.01% | Bristol water |
0.01% | Weebly |
0.01% | Did logic |
0.01% | Lebara |
0.01% | South west water |
0.01% | Dashi |
0.01% | Yahoo.com |
0.01% | Stamp designer |
0.01% | Services to veterans |
0.01% | National savings and investments |
0.01% | Bristol ferry boat company |
0.01% | Artist's newsletter |
0.01% | Vodaphone |
0.01% | First great western |
0.01% | Embasy of ireland |
0.01% | Moon fruit |
0.01% | Gum tree |
0.01% | British olympic association passport scheme |
0.01% | Complete formations |
0.01% | Farming ads |
0.01% | Southen water |
0.01% | N power |
0.01% | Mina road laundry |
0.01% | Edf energy |
0.01% | Vodafone |
0.01% | Marriott |
0.01% | Universities and colleges admissions service (ucas) |
0.01% | The pension service |
0.01% | Follow us |
0.01% | |
0.01% | War pensions agency |
0.01% | Stepping stones |
0.01% | The cube microplex |
0.01% | |
0.01% | Driving standards agency |
0.01% | Topshop |
0.01% | Spanish embassy |
0.01% | Embassy of greece |
0.01% | The burma campaign uk |
0.01% | Nationwide building society |
0.01% | Embassy of portugal |
0.01% | Experian |
0.01% | Ryman |
0.01% | Bournemouth & west hampshire water |
0.01% | High commission of the republic of cyprus in the united kingdom of great britain and northern ireland |
0.01% | Embassy of belgium |
0.01% | Ministry of justice |
0.01% | Embassy of malta |
0.01% | Nectar |
0.01% | City of seals |
0.01% | Bulgarian embassy |
0.01% | Embassy of finland |
0.01% | Natwest |
0.01% | Embassy of germany |
0.01% | Embassy of sweden |
0.01% | Flint knappers |
0.01% | War on want |
0.01% | Musicians union |
0.01% | Universities and colleges admissions servic |
0.01% | Oxford night shelter |
0.01% | Luxembourg embassy |
0.01% | Barry and bobby hair design |
0.01% | Embassy of the republic of slovenia |
0.01% | Lithuanian embassy |
0.01% | Netherlands embassy |
0.01% | Bristol methodist centre |
0.01% | Eaga partnership |
0.01% | Embassy of slovakia |
0.01% | Citizen card |
0.01% | The royal mail |
0.01% | Ecotricity |
0.01% | The automobile association (aa) |
0.01% | Hsbc |
0.01% | Citizens advice bureau |
0.01% | Polish embassy |
0.01% | Consulate general of italy |
0.01% | Austrian embassy london |
0.01% | Hungarian embassy |
0.01% | Healthy start |
0.01% | The estonian embassy |
0.01% | Bristol university |
0.01% | Organic research centre |
0.01% | World government of citizens |
0.01% | Latvia embassy |
0.01% | Romanian embassy |
0.01% | Http://www.yha.org.uk/ |
0.01% | Daily motion |
0.01% | Federation europeenne des associations nationales travaillant avec les sans-abri (feantsa) |
0.01% | Google video |
0.01% | Outfit |
0.01% | City of bristol college |
0.01% | Educational testing service |
0.01% | Embassy of iceland |
0.01% | The national trust |
0.01% | Lloyds tsb |
0.01% | Royal bank of scotland |
0.01% | Your choice homes |
0.01% | Northern ireland electoral commission |
0.01% | Dating direct |
0.01% | Norway embassy |
0.01% | Ise cards |
0.01% | International student travel confederation. |
0.01% | Association of train operating companies |
0.01% | High commission of india |
0.01% | Tesco uk supermarket |
0.01% | Card one banking |
0.01% | Barclays |
0.01% | Nuffield health fitness and wellbeing |
0.01% | Sainsbury' s bank |
0.01% | High commission for pakistan |
0.01% | Uk border agency |
0.01% | The depaul trust |
0.01% | The co-operative bank |
0.01% | University of the west of england (uwe) |
0.01% | Zetland road dental practice |
0.01% | 20th century flicks |
0.01% | Great western runners |
0.01% | Priority pass |
0.01% | The british american football association (bafa) |
0.01% | Pride angel |
0.01% | Video box office |
0.01% | The julian trust |
0.01% | Embassy of the dominican republic |
0.01% | Cheltenham and gloucester building society |
0.01% | Air miles |
0.01% | Her majesty's courts service |
0.01% | Bristol credit union |
0.01% | Bahamas embassy in london |
0.01% | Sussex place surgery |
0.01% | Salvation army logos house |
0.01% | Us embassy |
0.01% | Saudi arabia embassy |
0.01% | Canadian high commission |
0.01% | The big issue |
0.01% | Vanuatu high commission |
0.01% | Santander |
0.01% | Dating agency |
0.01% | Grenada high commission |
0.01% | The share centre |
0.01% | South africa high commision |
0.01% | Belize high commission |
0.01% | Jamaica high commission |
0.01% | Captial one |
0.01% | Australian high commission |
0.01% | Israeli consular general |
0.01% | Morgan stanley |
0.01% | High commission for antigua & barbuda |
0.01% | Mozambique high commission |
0.01% | Legal services commission |
0.01% | Trinidad and tobago high commission |
0.01% | Pret |
0.01% | Watersone's |
0.01% | The british library |
0.01% | The medical |
0.01% | Chequepoint |
0.01% | Cuba consulate |
0.01% | Reed |
0.01% | Qatar embassy |
0.01% | St kitts & nevis high commission |
0.01% | Halifax |
0.01% | Embassy of the republic of turkey |
0.01% | Holland and barrett |
0.01% | Singapore high commission |
0.01% | One25 |
0.01% | Fostering solutions |
0.01% | Crisis centre ministries |
0.01% | St lucia high commission |
0.01% | Guyana high commission |
0.01% | Embassy of venezuela |
0.01% | Bahrain embassy |
0.01% | Rymans |
0.01% | Embassy of the people's republic of china |
0.01% | Embassy of costa rica |
0.01% | Cameroon embassy |
0.01% | Panama consule |
0.01% | Mejor vida corp |
0.01% | Sri lanka high commission |
0.01% | Uruguay embassy |
0.01% | Bangladesh high commission |
0.01% | New zealand high commission |
0.01% | Bristol city council |
0.01% | The iranian consulate |
0.01% | The london bridge fertility, gynaecology and genetics centre |
0.01% | Pipex |
0.01% | Subway |
0.01% | Nicaraguan consulate |
0.01% | Disclosure scotland |
0.01% | Embassy of seychelles |
0.01% | Welsh back squash and health club |
0.01% | Mexico consulate |
0.01% | Uk police |
0.01% | Embassy of oman |
0.01% | Consulate general of brazil |
0.01% | Stroud and swindon building society |
0.01% | Honduras embassy |
0.01% | City car club |
0.01% | Ryan air |
0.01% | Embassy of el salvador |
0.01% | Guatemalan embassy |
0.01% | Maldives high commission |
0.01% | High commission of malaysia |
0.01% | Megabus |
0.01% | Embassy of the republic of armenia |
0.01% | St vincent & the grenadines high commission |
0.01% | Brunei embassy |
0.01% | Swaziland high commission london |
0.01% | Lesotho embassy |
0.01% | Consulate general of the arab republic of egypt |
0.01% | Papua new guinea high commission |
0.01% | Embassy of madagascar |
0.01% | Kiribati consulate |
0.01% | United arab emirates embassy |
0.01% | Albania embassy |
0.01% | High commission of the republic of namibia |
0.01% | Kenya high commision |
0.01% | Gambia high commission |
0.01% | Afghan embassy |
0.01% | Zambia high commission |
0.01% | Mongolian embassy |
0.01% | Embassy of kuwait |
0.01% | Fiji high commission |
0.01% | Ghana high commission |
0.01% | Uganda high commission |
0.01% | Angolan embassy |
0.01% | Sipgate |
0.01% | Botswana high commission |
0.01% | Mauritius embassy |
0.01% | United kingdom deed poll service |
0.01% | Douglas & partners |
0.01% | English language centre bristol |
0.01% | Malawi embassy |
0.01% | Block buster |
0.01% | Nigeria high commission |
0.01% | Independent living funds |
0.01% | Honorary consulate of samoa |
0.01% | Sierra leone high commssion |
0.01% | The labour party |
0.01% | Tonga high commission |
0.01% | The body shop |
0.01% | Syrian embassy london |
0.01% | British canoe union |
0.01% | Embassy of the republic of burundi |
0.01% | Environment agency |
0.01% | Bristol surf club |
0.01% | Yemen embassy |
0.01% | Sisters of the church |
0.01% | The royal embassy of cambodia |
0.01% | Royal institute of british architects |
0.01% | The portman group |
0.01% | Taiwan embassy |
0.01% | Embassy of paraguay |
0.01% | Embassy of jordan |
0.01% | Embassy of iraq |
0.01% | North korea embassy |
0.01% | Myspace |
0.01% | Bolivian embassy |
0.01% | Azerbaijan embassy |
0.01% | Argentina embassy |
0.01% | Honorary consul of the republic of burkina faso |
0.01% | Everyone active |
0.01% | Lebanese embassy |
0.01% | Embassy of the republic of cote d ivoire |
0.01% | Sky |
0.01% | Consulate general of chile |
0.01% | Embassy of the republic of bosnia & herzegovina |
0.01% | Japanese embassy |
0.01% | Danish consulate |
0.01% | Arts award |
0.01% | Algerian consulate |
0.00% | Colombian consulate |
0.00% | St werburghs centre |
0.00% | Job centre plus |
0.00% | Bradford and bingley |
0.00% | Embassy of the republic of chad |
0.00% | Malvern house college |
0.00% | Embassy of the republic of cape verde |
0.00% | Woodland road christian centre |
0.00% | Broadway cinema |
0.00% | James hull associates |
0.00% | Benin embassy paris |
0.00% | Ecover |
0.00% | Circomedia |
0.00% | Healthcare travel costs scheme |
0.00% | Crisis skylight |
0.00% | Bristish national party |
0.00% | Peru embassy |
0.00% | Cube cinema |
0.00% | Belarus embassy |
0.00% | Fact |
0.00% | Ecuadorian consulate |
0.00% | Embassy of micronesia |
0.00% | Msn hot mail |
0.00% | Sure start |
0.00% | The ramblers' association |
0.00% | Andorran embassy |
0.00% | The conservative party |
0.00% | Child benefit office |
0.00% | Accor hotels |
0.00% | Bristol law society |
0.00% | Sainsbury' s recycle |
0.00% | Alternative look |
0.00% | Avon fire and rescue |
0.00% | Esso |
0.00% | Wh smithcriber of a wh smith privilege card email maili |
0.00% | National front |
0.00% | Panah refuge |
0.00% | Bristol county sports private members club |
0.00% | Www.localphone.com/ |
0.00% | Tersco personal finance |
0.00% | @bristol |
0.00% | Hm revenue & customs |
0.00% | Oxfam |
0.00% | Net telco |
0.00% | The artist's information company |
0.00% | Bristol naturalists' society |
0.00% | French ministry of defense |
0.00% | Shell |
0.00% | Liberal democrat party |
0.00% | Essential trading |
0.00% | Balcombe care homes |
0.00% | The british surfing association |
0.00% | The soil association |
0.00% | Bristol easton the salvation army corps |
0.00% | Lyca mobile |
0.00% | Embassy of russia |
0.00% | The prince's trust |
0.00% | Celtic fuel oils |
0.00% | Priority club |
0.00% | Mind |
0.00% | World wide opportunities on organic farms |
0.00% | The cube cinema |
0.00% | National secular society |
0.00% | The green party of england and wales |
0.00% | Royal automobile club (rac) |
0.00% | St peter's hospice |
0.00% | Bristol medico-chirurgical society |
0.00% | New statesman |
0.00% | The bristol old vic |
0.00% | International english language testing system |
0.00% | Broadmead dental practice |
0.00% | Txt local |
0.00% | Knowle west media centre |
0.00% | The friends of city of bristol art gallery |
0.00% | Swiss embassy |
0.00% | Na fianna eireann |
0.00% | Saor eire |
0.00% | T-mobilet-mobile |
0.00% | Switzerland embassy |
0.00% | Home detention curfew scheme |
0.00% | Communication and information resource centre administrator (circa) |
0.00% | The tobacco factory |
0.00% | |
0.00% | Uk number |
0.00% | Immigration department of timor-leste |
0.00% | Baltic |
0.00% | The scottish parliament |
0.00% | Moroccan embassy |
0.00% | Embassy of tajikistan |
0.00% | House of lords |
0.00% | Vietnam embassy |
0.00% | Association of british credit unions ltd |
0.00% | Embassy of republic of sudan |
0.00% | Croatian embassy |
0.00% | Kyrgyz embassy |
0.00% | Health visitors |
0.00% | Red hand defenders |
0.00% | Laos embassy |
0.00% | Deliveroo |
0.00% | French consulate |
0.00% | Embassy for the republic of kazakhstan |
0.00% | Philippine embassy |
0.00% | Embassy of uzbekistan |
0.00% | Libyan embassy |
0.00% | 123-reg |
0.00% | British association for adoption and fostering |
0.00% | Bristol grey hound bus |
0.00% | The royal west of england academy |
0.00% | Tanznia high commission |
0.00% | Rwanda embassy |
0.00% | Equatorial guinea embassy |
0.00% | Mali embassy |
0.00% | Embassy of turkmenistan |
0.00% | Http://www.baaf.org.uk/ |
0.00% | Niger embassy |
0.00% | Montenegrin ministry of foreign affairs |
0.00% | Thailand embassy |
0.00% | Tunisia embassy |
0.00% | Senegal embassy |
0.00% | Tanzania high commission |
0.00% | Nepal embassy |
0.00% | Embassy of the union of myanmar |
0.00% | Consulate general of monaco |
0.00% | Guinea bissau embassy paris |
0.00% | Embassy of the central african republic |
0.00% | British forces post office |
0.00% | Mauritanian embassy |
0.00% | Gabon embassy |
0.00% | Macedonia embassy |
0.00% | Serbian embassy |
0.00% | Honorary consulate of the republic of congo |
0.00% | Honorary consulate of the republic of guinea |
0.00% | Only the breast |
0.00% | Sta travel |
0.00% | The bristol canoe club |
0.00% | Embassy of the republic of indonesia |
0.00% | Congo republic consulate |
0.00% | The youth hostel association |
0.00% | Hezb-e islami gulbuddin (hig) |
0.00% | Blue arrow |
0.00% | Land registry |
0.00% | Mujaheddin e khalq |
0.00% | Red hand commando |
0.00% | Northern ireland housing executive |
0.00% | Al-gama'at al-islamiya (gi) |
0.00% | Harakat-ul-jihad-ul-islami (bangladesh) (huji-b) |
0.00% | Abu nidal organisation (ano) |
0.00% | Al ittihad al islamia (aiai) |
0.00% | Saved sect or saviour sect |
0.00% | Egyptian islamic jihad (eij) |
0.00% | Splinter group jamaat ul-furquan (juf) |
0.00% | Salafist group for call and combat (groupe salafiste pour la predication et le combat) (gspc) |
0.00% | Harakat-ul-jihad-ul-islami (huji) |
0.00% | Jammat-ul mujahideen bangladesh (jmb) |
0.00% | Islamic movement of uzbekistan (imu) |
0.00% | Splinter group lashkar-e jhangvi (lej) |
0.00% | Ukraine embassy |
0.00% | Groupe islamique combattant marocain (gicm) |
0.00% | Disability benefits unit |
0.00% | Wjec |
0.00% | Gerald associates |
0.00% | Abu sayyaf group (asg) |
0.00% | Khuddam ul-islam (kul) |
0.00% | University of bath |
0.00% | Jaish e mohammed (jem) |
0.00% | Council for the curriculum examinations & assessment |
0.00% | Lashkar e tayyaba (lt) |
0.00% | Eritrean embassy |
0.00% | Hamas izz al-din al-qassem brigades |
0.00% | Harakat mujahideen (hm) |
0.00% | Talented athlete scholarship scheme |
0.00% | Ansar al sunna (as) |
0.00% | Al gurabaa |
0.00% | Bristol muzzle and breech loading gun club |
0.00% | British olympic association |
0.00% | Tehrik nefaz-e shari'at muhammadi (tnsm) |
0.00% | Team usa |
0.00% | Groupe islamique armee (gia) |
0.00% | Sipah-e sahaba pakistan (ssp) (aka millat-e islami pakistan (mip) |
0.00% | Palestinian islamic jihad - shaqaqi (pij) |
0.00% | Embassy of liberia |
0.00% | Cayman islands immigration department |
0.00% | Hizballah external security organisation |
0.00% | Libyan islamic fighting group (lifg) |
0.00% | Bristol society of architects |
0.00% | Al qaida |
0.00% | Zimbabwe embassy |
0.00% | Jeemah islamiyah (ji) |
0.00% | Ansar al islam (ai) |
0.00% | Embassy of georgia |
0.00% | Harakat-ul-mujahideen/alami (hum/a) and jundallah |
0.00% | Islamic jihad union (iju) |
0.00% | Asbat al-ansar |
0.00% | Islamic army of aden (iaa) |
0.00% | Ulster volunteer force |
0.00% | Government of balochistan |
0.00% | United housing |
0.00% | The disability and carers service |
0.00% | Print fection |
0.00% | Orange volunteers |
0.00% | Credit industry fraud avoidance system (cifas) |
0.00% | Nuclear tees |
0.00% | Knightstone housing |
0.00% | Teyre azadiye kurdistan |
0.00% | Women's aid |
0.00% | Revolutionary peoples' liberation party - front (devrimci halk kurtulus partisi - cephesi) (dhkp-c) |
0.00% | British institute of innkeeping awarding body (biiab) |
0.00% | Assessment and qualifications alliance |
0.00% | Number 7 |
0.00% | Loyalist volunteer force |
0.00% | Edexcel foundation |
0.00% | Sinn fein bookshop. |
0.00% | Oxford, cambridge and rsa examination |
0.00% | Basque homeland and liberty (euskadi ta askatasuna) (eta) |
0.00% | Kongra gele |
0.00% | Cumann na mban |
0.00% | The court service |
0.00% | Babbar khalsa (bk) |
0.00% | Irish republican army (ira) |
0.00% | Studen finance direct |
0.00% | City co seals |
0.00% | Continuity army council |
0.00% | Irish people's liberation organisation |
0.00% | International sikh youth federation (isyf) |
0.00% | Irish national liberation army |
0.00% | Federation europeenne des associations nationales travaillant avec les sans-abri (feantsa) |
0.00% | People's kitchen |
0.00% | Tamil eelam |
0.00% | Electoral commission |
0.00% | United kingdom athletics |
0.00% | International olympic committee |
0.00% | Marie stopes |